Insight is HYAS’ flagship online attribution intelligence platform, built for cybersecurity professionals. HYAS Insight is already in use with financial institutions, Fortune 500s, international law enforcement agencies and some of the major security companies.
The value of the attribution research tool lies in the ability to mine relationships within the HYAS-based data sets.
With Hyas Insight Transforms for Maltego, investigators can query and visualize exclusive, in-depth database of compromise indicators gathered from multiple proprietary sources extending years into the past, allowing investigators to better fingerprint events, actors, and infrastructure.
To read more click here.
HYAS Insight Machines
[HYAS] Domain to Whois details
Use this machine to go from a domain to all Whois details.
Id |
insight.HYASDomaintoWhoisdetails |
Author |
HYAS Services Team |
[HYAS] Get Domains from Email
HYAS Insight API Key |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[HYAS] Get Domains from Email |
Owner |
Brian Carter |
Author |
brian.carter@hyas.com |
Data Source |
Transform Name |
getinsightdomainsfromemail |
Input Entities |
maltego.EmailAddress |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[HYAS] Get IPs from BSSID
HYAS Insight API Key |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[HYAS] Get IPs from BSSID |
Owner |
Brian Carter |
Author |
brian.carter@hyas.com |
Data Source |
Transform Name |
getinsightipfrombssid |
Input Entities |
maltego.MacAddress |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[HYAS] Get Mobile Location from IPv4
HYAS Insight API Key |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Show Only Unique Location Data |
string |
1 |
False |
False |
False |
Display Name |
[HYAS] Get Mobile Location from IPv4 |
Owner |
Brian Carter |
Author |
brian.carter@hyas.com |
Data Source |
Transform Name |
getinsightmobile |
Input Entities |
maltego.IPv4Address |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[HYAS] Get Whois from Domain
HYAS Insight API Key |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[HYAS] Get Whois from Domain |
Owner |
Brian Carter |
Author |
brian.carter@hyas.com |
Data Source |
Transform Name |
getinsightwhoisfromdomain |
Input Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[HYAS] Get Passive DNS for IPv4
HYAS Insight API Key |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[HYAS] Get Passive DNS for IPv4 |
Owner |
Brian Carter |
Author |
brian.carter@hyas.com |
Data Source |
Transform Name |
getinsightpdns |
Input Entities |
maltego.IPv4Address |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[HYAS] Get Passive DNS for Domain
HYAS Insight API Key |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[HYAS] Get Passive DNS for Domain |
Owner |
Brian Carter |
Author |
brian.carter@hyas.com |
Data Source |
Transform Name |
getinsightpdnsfromdomain |
Input Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[HYAS] Expand whois details to new graph entities
Display Name |
[HYAS] Expand whois details to new graph entities |
Owner |
Brian Carter |
Author |
brian.carter@hyas.com |
Data Source |
Transform Name |
getentitiesfromorgprops |
Input Entities |
maltego.Organization |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
HYAS Insight API Key |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[HYAS] Get Tags from IPv4 |
Owner |
Brian Carter |
Author |
brian.carter@hyas.com |
Data Source |
Transform Name |
getinsighttagsfromip |
Input Entities |
maltego.IPv4Address |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[HYAS] Get Tags from Domain
HYAS Insight API Key |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[HYAS] Get Tags from Domain |
Owner |
Brian Carter |
Author |
brian.carter@hyas.com |
Data Source |
Transform Name |
getinsighttagsfromdomain |
Input Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
HYAS Insight API Key |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[HYAS] Get Tags from Email |
Owner |
Brian Carter |
Author |
brian.carter@hyas.com |
Data Source |
Transform Name |
getinsighttagsfromemail |
Input Entities |
maltego.EmailAddress |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
HYAS Insight API Key |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[HYAS] Get Tags from Hash |
Owner |
Brian Carter |
Author |
brian.carter@hyas.com |
Data Source |
Transform Name |
getinsighttagsfromhash |
Input Entities |
maltego.Hash |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[HYAS] Get Entities from Tag
HYAS Insight API Key |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[HYAS] Get Entities from Tag |
Owner |
Brian Carter |
Author |
brian.carter@hyas.com |
Data Source |
Transform Name |
getinsightentitiesfromtag |
Input Entities |
hyas.tag |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[HYAS] Get Samples from Domain
HYAS Insight API Key |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[HYAS] Get Samples from Domain |
Owner |
Brian Carter |
Author |
brian.carter@hyas.com |
Data Source |
Transform Name |
getinsightphashfromdomain |
Input Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[HYAS] Get Samples from IPv4
HYAS Insight API Key |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[HYAS] Get Samples from IPv4 |
Owner |
Brian Carter |
Author |
brian.carter@hyas.com |
Data Source |
Transform Name |
getinsightphashfromipv4 |
Input Entities |
maltego.IPv4Address |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[HYAS] Get Passive DNS IPs from DNS Name
HYAS Insight API Key |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[HYAS] Get Passive DNS IPs from DNS Name |
Owner |
Brian Carter |
Author |
brian.carter@hyas.com |
Data Source |
Transform Name |
getinsightpdnsfromdns |
Input Entities |
maltego.DNSName |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[HYAS] Get Whois from Phone Number
HYAS Insight API Key |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[HYAS] Get Whois from Phone Number |
Owner |
Brian Carter |
Author |
brian.carter@hyas.com |
Data Source |
Transform Name |
getinsightwhoisfromphone |
Input Entities |
maltego.PhoneNumber |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[HYAS] Get ISP and ASN from IPv4
HYAS Insight API Key |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[HYAS] Get ISP and ASN from IPv4 |
Owner |
Brian Carter |
Author |
brian.carter@hyas.com |
Data Source |
Transform Name |
getinsightnetfromipv4 |
Input Entities |
maltego.IPv4Address |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[HYAS] Get Registration Details from IPv4
HYAS Insight API Key |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[HYAS] Get Registration Details from IPv4 |
Owner |
Brian Carter |
Author |
brian.carter@hyas.com |
Data Source |
Transform Name |
getinsightdynamicdnsfromipv4 |
Input Entities |
maltego.IPv4Address |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[HYAS] Get Mobile Location from IPv6
HYAS Insight API Key |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Show Only Unique Location Data |
string |
1 |
False |
False |
False |
Display Name |
[HYAS] Get Mobile Location from IPv6 |
Owner |
Brian Carter |
Author |
brian.carter@hyas.com |
Data Source |
Transform Name |
getinsightmobileipv6 |
Input Entities |
maltego.IPv6Address |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[HYAS] Get Whois from Name or Alias
HYAS Insight API Key |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[HYAS] Get Whois from Name or Alias |
Owner |
Brian Carter |
Author |
brian.carter@hyas.com |
Data Source |
Transform Name |
getinsightwhoisfromname |
Input Entities |
maltego.Alias |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[HYAS] Get C2 Insights from Email
HYAS Insight API Key |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[HYAS] Get C2 Insights from Email |
Owner |
Brian Carter |
Author |
brian.carter@hyas.com |
Data Source |
Transform Name |
getinsightc2fromemail |
Input Entities |
maltego.EmailAddress |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |