
Modified on Wed, 28 Aug, 2024 at 6:38 PM


Censys is a platform that helps information security practitioners discover, monitor, and analyze devices that are accessible from the Internet.

Censys regularly probes every public IP address and popular domain names, curates and enriches the resulting data, and makes it intelligible through an interactive search engine and API.

Backed by Censys trusted data, threat hunters can easily pivot off key pieces of information to discover hidden infrastructure services in order to:

  • Map IP addresses to domains and domains back to IP addresses
  • Quickly find server misconfigurations
  • Scan attack surfaces for vulnerabilities

You can read more about Censys Transforms for Maltego on our website here.

Censys Transforms

To Operating System [Censys]


This Transform returns the Operating System of the host identified by the input IP address

Transform Settings
Display NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
APP IDstring falsetruetrue
Secretstring falsetruetrue
Transform Meta Info
Display NameTo Operating System [Censys]
Data SourceCensys
Transform Namecensys.ipv4AddressToOperatingSystem
Input Entitiesmaltego.IPv4Address
Output Entitiesmaltego.Censys.Software
Short DescriptionThis Transform returns the Operating System of the host identified by the input IP address

To IP Addresses [Censys]

Transform Settings
Display NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
APP IDstring falsetruetrue
Determine how to query Virtual Hosts.
Possible values: EXCLUDE, INCLUDE, or ONLY
Secretstring falsetruetrue
Transform Meta Info
Display NameTo IP Addresses [Censys]
Data SourceCensys
Output Entitiesmaltego.IPv4Address, maltego.IPv6Address
Transform NameInput EntitiesShort Description
censys.domainToIpAddressesmaltego.DomainThis Transform returns all the IP addresses related to the input domain name
censys.asToIpAddressesmaltego.ASThis Transform returns all the IP addresses found in the input AS number
censys.cpeToIpAddressesmaltego.CPEThis Transform returns all the IP addresses that are found to be running the software identified by the input CPE
censys.locationToIpAddressesmaltego.LocationThis Transform returns all the IP addresses found on the input location by considering all of the properties of the Location Entity
censys.dnsNameToIpAddressesmaltego.DNSNameThis Transform returns all the IP addresses related to the input DNS name

To IP Addresses Using Service [Censys]


This Transform returns all the IP addresses that are found to be running the service identified by the Base64 input hash

Transform Settings
Display NameSetting TypeOptionalPopupAuthentication
APP IDstringfalsetruetrue
ASN (E.g., 118)stringtruetruefalse
ASN Country ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 Code (E.g., US)stringtruetruefalse
Combine custom query. Start query with ‘and’, ‘or’ or ‘not’.
For better results, wrap the search field value in double
quotes (escape any nested double quotes). E.g: and
autonomous_system.asn: “118”
Continent (E.g., North America)stringtruetruefalse
DNS Names(E.g., *.cloudflare-dns.com)stringtruetruefalse
Host Country ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 Code (E.g., US)stringtruetruefalse
Host OS CPE (E.g., cpe:2.3:o:fortinet:fortios::::::::)stringtruetruefalse
Host OS Product (E.g., FortiOS)stringtruetruefalse
Host OS Vendor (E.g., Fortinet)stringtruetruefalse
Reverse DNS Names(E.g., one.one.one.one)stringtruetruefalse
Service Banner Hexstringtruetruefalse
Service Name (E.g., DNS)stringtruetruefalse
Service Port (E.g., 53)stringtruetruefalse
Software CPE (E.g., cpe:2.3:a:cloudflare:cloudflare_load_balancer::::::::)stringtruetruefalse
Software Product (E.g., CloudFlare Load Balancer)stringtruetruefalse
Software Vendor (E.g., CloudFlare)stringtruetruefalse
TLS Certificate SHA256 Fingerprint (E.g., c93386adf01223e637a3aca7c68988bb
Transform Meta Info
Display NameTo IP Addresses Using Service [Censys]
Data SourceCensys
Transform Namecensys.hashToIpAddressesUsingService
Input Entitiesmaltego.Hash
Output Entitiesmaltego.IPv4Address
Short DescriptionThis Transform returns all the IP addresses that are found to be running the service identified by the Base64 input hash

Extract CPE [Censys]


This Transform extracts the product CPE from the input Entity properties

Transform Meta Info
Display NameExtract CPE [Censys]
Data SourceCensys
Transform Namecensys.censysSoftwareExtractCpe
Input Entitiesmaltego.censys.Software
Output Entitiesmaltego.CPE
Short DescriptionThis Transform extracts the product CPE from the input Entity properties

To Running Software [Censys]

Transform Settings
Display NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
APP IDstring falsetruetrue
Secretstring falsetruetrue
Transform Meta Info
Display NameTo Running Software [Censys]
Data SourceCensys
Output Entitiesmaltego.censys.Software
Transform NameInput EntitiesShort Description
censys.ipv4AddressToRunningSoftwaremaltego.IPv4AddressThis Transform returns all the software used by the host that can be reached from the input IP address
censys.censysServiceDetailsToRunningSoftwaremaltego.censys.ServiceDetailsThis Transform extracts the list of software from the input Entity properties

Extract Hash [Censys]


This Transform extracts the banner hex from the input Entity properties

Transform Meta Info
Display NameExtract Hash [Censys]
Data SourceCensys
Transform Namecensys.censysServiceDetailsExtractHash
Input Entitiesmaltego.censys.ServiceDetails
Output Entitiesmaltego.Hash
Short DescriptionThis Transform extracts the banner hex from the input Entity properties

To IP Address Exposing Port [Censys]


This Transform returns the IP addresses which is exposing the same port as the input port

Transform Settings
Display NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
APP IDstring falsetruetrue
ASN (E.g., 118)string truetruefalse
ASN CIDR (E.g., truetruefalse
ASN Country ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 Code (E.g., US)string truetruefalse
Combine custom query. Start query with ‘and’, ‘or’ or ‘not’. For better results, wrap the search field value in double quotes (escape any nested double quotes). E.g: and autonomous_system.asn: “118”string truetruefalse
Continent (E.g., North America)string truetruefalse
DNS Names(E.g., *.cloudflare-dns.com)string truetruefalse
Host Country ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 Code (E.g., US)string truetruefalse
Host OS CPE (E.g., cpe:2.3:o:fortinet:fortios::::::::)string truetruefalse
Host OS Product (E.g., FortiOS)string truetruefalse
Host OS Vendor (E.g., Fortinet)string truetruefalse
Reverse DNS Names(E.g., one.one.one.one)string truetruefalse
Secretstring falsetruetrue
Service Banner Hexstring truetruefalse
Service Name (E.g., DNS)string truetruefalse
Software CPE (E.g., cpe:2.3:a:cloudflare:cloudflare_load_balancer::::::::)string truetruefalse
Software Product (E.g., CloudFlare Load Balancer)string truetruefalse
Software Vendor (E.g., CloudFlare)string truetruefalse
TLS Certificate SHA256 Fingerprint (E.g., c93386adf01223e637a3aca7c68988bb8240c4afd5d204c206bc35d7a4358dd1)string truetruefalse
Transform Meta Info
Display NameTo IP Address Exposing Port [Censys]
Data SourceCensys
Transform Namecensys.portToIpAddressExposingPort
Input Entitiesmaltego.Port
Output Entitiesmaltego.IPv4Address, maltego.IPv6Address
Short DescriptionThis Transform returns the IP addresses which is exposing the same port as the input port

To Other Hosts Running Software [Censys]


This Transform returns all the IP addresses that are running the input software

Transform Settings
Display NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
APP IDstring falsetruetrue
ASN (E.g., 118)string truetruefalse
ASN CIDR (E.g., truetruefalse
ASN Country ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 Code (E.g., US)string truetruefalse
Combine custom query. Start query with ‘and’, ‘or’ or ‘not’. For better results, wrap the search field value in double quotes (escape any nested double quotes). E.g: and autonomous_system.asn: “118”string truetruefalse
Continent (E.g., North America)string truetruefalse
DNS Names(E.g., *.cloudflare-dns.com)string truetruefalse
Host Country ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 Code (E.g., US)string truetruefalse
Reverse DNS Names(E.g., one.one.one.one)string truetruefalse
Secretstring falsetruetrue
Service Banner Hexstring truetruefalse
Service Name (E.g., DNS)string truetruefalse
Service Port (E.g., 53)string truetruefalse
TLS Certificate SHA256 Fingerprint (E.g., c93386adf01223e637a3aca7c68988bb8240c4afd5d204c206bc35d7a4358dd1)string truetruefalse
Transform Meta Info
Display NameTo Other Hosts Running Software [Censys]
Data SourceCensys
Transform Namecensys.censysSoftwareToOtherHostsRunningSoftware
Input Entitiesmaltego.censys.Software
Output Entitiesmaltego.IPv4Address, maltego.IPv6Address
Short DescriptionThis Transform returns all the IP addresses that are running the input software

Extract Service IP Address [Censys]


This Transform extracts the IP address from the input Entity properties

Transform Meta Info
Display NameExtract Service IP Address [Censys]
Data SourceCensys
Transform Namecensys.censysServiceDetailsExtractIpAddress
Input Entitiesmaltego.censys.ServiceDetails
Output Entitiesmaltego.IPv4Address, maltego.IPv6Address
Short DescriptionThis Transform extracts the IP address from the input Entity properties

Search IP Addresses [Censys]


This Transform returns all the IP addresses that resulted from the Censys query

Transform Settings
Display NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
APP IDstring falsetruetrue
ASN (E.g., 118)string truetruefalse
ASN CIDR (E.g., truetruefalse
ASN Country ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 Code (E.g., US)string truetruefalse
Continent (E.g., North America)string truetruefalse
DNS Names(E.g., *.cloudflare-dns.com)string truetruefalse
Host Country ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 Code (E.g., US)string truetruefalse
Host OS CPE (E.g., cpe:2.3:o:fortinet:fortios::::::::)string truetruefalse
Host OS Product (E.g., FortiOS)string truetruefalse
Host OS Vendor (E.g., Fortinet)string truetruefalse
Reverse DNS Names(E.g., one.one.one.one)string truetruefalse
Secretstring falsetruetrue
Service Banner Hexstring truetruefalse
Service Name (E.g., DNS)string truetruefalse
Service Port (E.g., 53)string truetruefalse
Software CPE (E.g., cpe:2.3:a:cloudflare:cloudflare_load_balancer::::::::)string truetruefalse
Software Product (E.g., CloudFlare Load Balancer)string truetruefalse
Software Vendor (E.g., CloudFlare)string truetruefalse
TLS Certificate SHA256 Fingerprint (E.g., c93386adf01223e637a3aca7c68988bb8240c4afd5d204c206bc35d7a4358dd1)string truetruefalse
Wrap search query with double quotesbooleantruefalsetruetrue
Transform Meta Info
Display NameSearch IP Addresses [Censys]
Data SourceCensys
Transform Namecensys.phraseSearchIpAddresses
Input Entitiesmaltego.Phrase
Output Entitiesmaltego.IPv4Address, maltego.IPv6Address
Short DescriptionThis Transform returns all the IP addresses that resulted from the Censys query

To IP Addresses Exposing Service [Censys]


This Transform returns the IP addresses which is exposing the same service as the input service

Transform Settings
Display NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
APP IDstring falsetruetrue
ASN (E.g., 118)string truetruefalse
ASN CIDR (E.g., truetruefalse
ASN Country ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 Code (E.g., US)string truetruefalse
Combine custom query. Start query with ‘and’, ‘or’ or ‘not’. For better results, wrap the search field value in double quotes (escape any nested double quotes). E.g: and autonomous_system.asn: “118”string truetruefalse
Continent (E.g., North America)string truetruefalse
DNS Names(E.g., *.cloudflare-dns.com)string truetruefalse
Host Country ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 Code (E.g., US)string truetruefalse
Host OS CPE (E.g., cpe:2.3:o:fortinet:fortios::::::::)string truetruefalse
Host OS Product (E.g., FortiOS)string truetruefalse
Host OS Vendor (E.g., Fortinet)string truetruefalse
Reverse DNS Names(E.g., one.one.one.one)string truetruefalse
Secretstring falsetruetrue
Service Port (E.g., 53)string truetruefalse
Software CPE (E.g., cpe:2.3:a:cloudflare:cloudflare_load_balancer::::::::)string truetruefalse
Software Product (E.g., CloudFlare Load Balancer)string truetruefalse
Software Vendor (E.g., CloudFlare)string truetruefalse
TLS Certificate SHA256 Fingerprint (E.g., c93386adf01223e637a3aca7c68988bb8240c4afd5d204c206bc35d7a4358dd1)string truetruefalse
Transform Meta Info
Display NameTo IP Addresses Exposing Service [Censys]
Data SourceCensys
Transform Namecensys.serviceToIpAddressesExposingService
Input Entitiesmaltego.Service
Output Entitiesmaltego.IPv4Address, maltego.IPv6Address
Short DescriptionThis Transform returns the IP addresses which is exposing the same service as the input service

Extract Port [Censys]


This Transform extracts the port from the input Entity properties

Transform Meta Info
Display NameExtract Port [Censys]
Data SourceCensys
Transform Namecensys.censysServiceDetailsExtractPort
Input Entitiesmaltego.censys.ServiceDetails
Output Entitiesmaltego.Port
Short DescriptionThis Transform extracts the port from the input Entity properties

To Domains [Censys]


This Transform returns the domains that have any of their DNS records pointing to the input IP address

Transform Settings
Display NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
APP IDstring falsetruetrue
Secretstring falsetruetrue
Transform Meta Info
Display NameTo Domains [Censys]
Data SourceCensys
Transform Namecensys.ipv4AddressToDomains
Input Entitiesmaltego.IPv4Address
Output Entitiesmaltego.Domain
Short DescriptionThis Transform returns the domains that have any of their DNS records pointing to the input IP address

To AS Number [Censys]


This Transform returns the AS number in which the input IP address belongs to

Transform Settings
Display NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
APP IDstring falsetruetrue
Secretstring falsetruetrue
Transform Meta Info
Display NameTo AS Number [Censys]
Data SourceCensys
Transform Namecensys.ipv4AddressToAsNumber
Input Entitiesmaltego.IPv4Address
Output Entitiesmaltego.AS
Short DescriptionThis Transform returns the AS number in which the input IP address belongs to

To Location [Censys]


This Transform returns the location of the host identified by the input IP address

Transform Settings
Display NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
APP IDstring falsetruetrue
Secretstring falsetruetrue
Transform Meta Info
Display NameTo Location [Censys]
Data SourceCensys
Transform Namecensys.ipv4AddressToLocation
Input Entitiesmaltego.IPv4Address
Output Entitiesmaltego.Location
Short DescriptionThis Transform returns the location of the host identified by the input IP address

To IP Addresses With Banner [Censys]


This Transform returns all the IP addresses that have the input Banner

Transform Settings
Display NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
APP IDstring falsetruetrue
ASN (E.g., 118)string truetruefalse
ASN CIDR (E.g., truetruefalse
ASN Country ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 Code (E.g., US)string truetruefalse
Combine custom query. Start query with ‘and’, ‘or’ or ‘not’. For better results, wrap the search field value in double quotes (escape any nested double quotes). E.g: and autonomous_system.asn: “118”string truetruefalse
Continent (E.g., North America)string truetruefalse
DNS Names(E.g., *.cloudflare-dns.com)string truetruefalse
Host Country ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 Code (E.g., US)string truetruefalse
Host OS CPE (E.g., cpe:2.3:o:fortinet:fortios::::::::)string truetruefalse
Host OS Product (E.g., FortiOS)string truetruefalse
Host OS Vendor (E.g., Fortinet)string truetruefalse
Reverse DNS Names(E.g., one.one.one.one)string truetruefalse
Secretstring falsetruetrue
Service Banner Hexstring truetruefalse
Service Name (E.g., DNS)string truetruefalse
Service Port (E.g., 53)string truetruefalse
Software CPE (E.g., cpe:2.3:a:cloudflare:cloudflare_load_balancer::::::::)string truetruefalse
Software Product (E.g., CloudFlare Load Balancer)string truetruefalse
Software Vendor (E.g., CloudFlare)string truetruefalse
TLS Certificate SHA256 Fingerprint (E.g., c93386adf01223e637a3aca7c68988bb8240c4afd5d204c206bc35d7a4358dd1)string truetruefalse
Transform Meta Info
Display NameTo IP Addresses With Banner [Censys]
Data SourceCensys
Transform Namecensys.bannerToIpAddressesWithBanner
Input Entitiesmaltego.Banner
Output Entitiesmaltego.IPv4Address, maltego.IPv6Address
Short DescriptionThis Transform returns all the IP addresses that have the input Banner

To Services [Censys]


This Transform returns the services running on the host that can be reached from the input IP address

Transform Settings
Display NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
APP IDstring falsetruetrue
Secretstring falsetruetrue
Transform Meta Info
Display NameTo Services [Censys]
Data SourceCensys
Transform Namecensys.ipv4AddressToServices
Input Entitiesmaltego.IPv4Address
Output Entitiesmaltego.censys.ServiceDetails
Short DescriptionThis Transform returns the services running on the host that can be reached from the input IP address

To Hostnames [Censys]


This Transform returns reverse DNS lookup (RARP) of the input IP address

Transform Settings
Display NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
APP IDstring falsetruetrue
Secretstring falsetruetrue
Transform Meta Info
Display NameTo Hostnames [Censys]
Data SourceCensys
Transform Namecensys.ipv4AddressToHostnames
Input Entitiesmaltego.IPv4Address
Output Entitiesmaltego.DNSName
Short DescriptionThis Transform returns reverse DNS lookup (RARP) of the input IP address

Extract Banner [Censys]


This Transform extracts the banner from the input Entity properties

Transform Meta Info
Display NameExtract Banner [Censys]
Data SourceCensys
Transform Namecensys.censysServiceDetailsToBanner
Input Entitiesmaltego.censys.ServiceDetails
Output Entitiesmaltego.Banner
Short DescriptionThis Transform extracts the banner from the input Entity properties

To IP Addresses Using Certificate [Censys]


This Transform returns all the IP addresses that are found to be using the certificate identified by the input SHA256

Transform Settings
Display NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
APP IDstring falsetruetrue
Secretstring falsetruetrue
Transform Meta Info
Display NameTo IP Addresses Using Certificate [Censys]
Data SourceCensys
Transform Namecensys.hashToIpAddressesUsingCertificate
Input Entitiesmaltego.Hash
Output Entitiesmaltego.IPv4Address, maltego.IPv6Address
Short DescriptionThis Transform returns all the IP addresses that are found to be using the certificate identified by the input SHA256

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