Regex Library Transforms helps analysts to extract matching objects from web pages using defined well-known “Regular Expressions” patterns (known as regex).
Investigators can now quickly extract useful information like emails, phone numbers, bitcoin addresses and many more from a web page for free using customizable regex patterns.
Read more about Regex Transforms for Maltego on our website here.
To Card Numbers [Regex]
Finds card number matches
maltego.regex-lib.to_card_numbers.pattern | Regex pattern (Python style) | string | (?:\d{4} [- ]){3}\d{4} | \d{16} | True | True |
Display Name | To Card Numbers [Regex] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Regex |
Transform Name | maltego.regex-lib.to_card_numbers |
Short Description | Finds card number matches |
Input Entities | maltego.URL |
Output Entities | maltego.BankCard |
To IBAN [Regex]
Finds IBAN matches
maltego.regex-lib.to_bank_accounts.pattern | Regex pattern (Python style) | string | [a-zA-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}[0-9]{7}(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]?){0,16} | True | True | False |
Display Name | To IBAN [Regex] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Regex |
Transform Name | maltego.regex-lib.to_bank_accounts |
Short Description | Finds IBAN matches |
Input Entities | maltego.URL |
Output Entities | maltego.BankAccount |
To BTC Addresses [Regex]
Finds BTC address matches
maltego.regex-lib.to_btc_addresses.pattern | Regex pattern (Python style) | string | (?:[13] | bc1)[a-zA-HJ-NP-Z0-9]{26,62} | True | True |
Display Name | To BTC Addresses [Regex] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Regex |
Transform Name | maltego.regex-lib.to_btc_addresses |
Short Description | Finds BTC address matches |
Input Entities | maltego.URL |
Output Entities | maltego.BTCAddress |
To ETH Addresses [Regex]
Finds ETH address matches
maltego.regex-lib.to_eth_addresses.pattern | Regex pattern (Python style) | string | \b0x [a-fA-F0-9]{40}\b | True | True | False | |
Display Name | To ETH Addresses [Regex] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Regex |
Transform Name | maltego.regex-lib.to_eth_addresses |
Short Description | Finds ETH address matches |
Input Entities | maltego.URL |
Output Entities | maltego.ETHAddress |
To BTC Transactions [Regex]
Finds BTC transaction matches
maltego.regex-lib.to_btc_transactions.pattern | Regex pattern (Python style) | string | (?:[13] | bc1)[a-zA-HJ-NP-Z0-9]{26,62} | True | True |
Display Name | To BTC Transactions [Regex] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Regex |
Transform Name | maltego.regex-lib.to_btc_transactions |
Short Description | Finds BTC transaction matches |
Input Entities | maltego.URL |
Output Entities | maltego.BTCTransaction |
To ETH Transactions [Regex]
Finds ETH transaction matches
maltego.regex-lib.to_eth_transactions.pattern | Regex pattern (Python style) | string | \b0x (?:[A-Fa-f0-9]{64})\b | True | True | False | |
Display Name | To ETH Transactions [Regex] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Regex |
Transform Name | maltego.regex-lib.to_eth_transactions |
Short Description | Finds ETH transaction matches |
Input Entities | maltego.URL |
Output Entities | maltego.ETHTransaction |
To CVEs [Regex]
Finds CVE matches
maltego.regex-lib.to_cves.pattern | Regex pattern (Python style) | string | CVE-\d{4} -\d* | True | True | False | |
Display Name | To CVEs [Regex] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Regex |
Transform Name | maltego.regex-lib.to_cves |
Short Description | Finds CVE matches |
Input Entities | maltego.URL |
Output Entities | maltego.CVE |
To Attack Technique IDs [Regex]
Finds attack technique ID matches
maltego.regex-lib.to_attack_ids.pattern | Regex pattern (Python style) | string | T\d{4} (?:.\d{3} )? | True | True | False |
Display Name | To Attack Technique IDs [Regex] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Regex |
Transform Name | maltego.regex-lib.to_attack_ids |
Short Description | Finds attack technique ID matches |
Input Entities | maltego.URL |
Output Entities | maltego.AttackTechniqueID |
To Defanged URLs [Regex]
Finds defanged URL matches
maltego.regex-lib.to_defanged_urls.pattern | Regex pattern (Python style) | string | (?:h..ps? | f.p)://(?:www(?:. | [.]) | (?!www))[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]+[a-zA-Z0-9](?:. |
Display Name | To Defanged URLs [Regex] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Regex |
Transform Name | maltego.regex-lib.to_defanged_urls |
Short Description | Finds defanged URL matches |
Input Entities | maltego.URL |
Output Entities | maltego.DefangedURL |
To MAC Addresses [Regex]
Finds MAC address matches
maltego.regex-lib.to_mac_addresses.pattern | Regex pattern (Python style) | string | (?:[a-fA-F0-9]{2}[:-]){5}[a-fA-F0-9]{2} | True | True | False |
Display Name | To MAC Addresses [Regex] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Regex |
Transform Name | maltego.regex-lib.to_mac_addresses |
Short Description | Finds MAC address matches |
Input Entities | maltego.URL |
Output Entities | maltego.MacAddress |
To IPv4 Addresses [Regex]
Finds IPv4 address matches
maltego.regex-lib.to_ipv4_addresses.pattern | Regex pattern (Python style) | string | (?:25[0-5] | 2[0-4]\d| [0-1]?\d{1,2} )(?:.(?:25[0-5] | 2[0-4]\d| [0-1]?\d{1,2} )){3} | True |
Display Name | To IPv4 Addresses [Regex] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Regex |
Transform Name | maltego.regex-lib.to_ipv4_addresses |
Short Description | Finds IPv4 address matches |
Input Entities | maltego.URL |
Output Entities | maltego.IPv4Address |
To IPv6 Addresses [Regex]
Finds IPv6 address matches
maltego.regex-lib.to_ipv6_addresses.pattern | Regex pattern (Python style) | string | [0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}(?::[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){7} | (?:(?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}(?::[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,5})?)::(?:(?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}(?::[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,5})?) | True | True |
Display Name | To IPv6 Addresses [Regex] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Regex |
Transform Name | maltego.regex-lib.to_ipv6_addresses |
Short Description | Finds IPv6 address matches |
Input Entities | maltego.URL |
Output Entities | maltego.IPv6Address |
To Domains [Regex]
Finds domain matches
maltego.regex-lib.to_domains.pattern | Regex pattern (Python style) | string | (?:a-z0-9?.)+[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-z0-9] | True | True | False |
Display Name | To Domains [Regex] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Regex |
Transform Name | maltego.regex-lib.to_domains |
Short Description | Finds domain matches |
Input Entities | maltego.URL |
Output Entities | maltego.Domain |
To URLs [Regex]
Finds URL matches
maltego.regex-lib.to_urls.pattern | Regex pattern (Python style) | string | https?://\S + | True | True | False |
Display Name | To URLs [Regex] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Regex |
Transform Name | maltego.regex-lib.to_urls |
Short Description | Finds URL matches |
Input Entities | maltego.URL |
Output Entities | maltego.URL |
To SSNs [Regex]
Finds social security number matches
maltego.regex-lib.to_ssns.pattern | Regex pattern (Python style) | string | (?!666 | 000 | 9\d{2} )\d{3} -(?!00)\d{2} -(?!0{4})\d{4} | True |
Display Name | To SSNs [Regex] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Regex |
Transform Name | maltego.regex-lib.to_ssns |
Short Description | Finds social security number matches |
Input Entities | maltego.URL |
Output Entities | maltego.SSN |
To VINs [Regex]
Finds vehicle identification number matches
maltego.regex-lib.to_vins.pattern | Regex pattern (Python style) | string | [(A-H | J-N | P | R-Z |
Display Name | To VINs [Regex] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Regex |
Transform Name | maltego.regex-lib.to_vins |
Short Description | Finds vehicle identification number matches |
Input Entities | maltego.URL |
Output Entities | maltego.VinNumber |
To Emails [Regex]
Finds email matches
maltego.regex-lib.to_emails.pattern | Regex pattern (Python style) | string | [a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&’*+/=?`{ | }~^.-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+.[a-zA-Z]+ | True | True |
Display Name | To Emails [Regex] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Regex |
Transform Name | maltego.regex-lib.to_emails |
Short Description | Finds email matches |
Input Entities | maltego.URL |
Output Entities | maltego.EmailAddress |
Finds hashtag matches
maltego.regex-lib.to_hashtags.pattern | Regex pattern (Python style) | string | #[a-zA-Z0-9]+ | True | True | False |
Display Name | To Hashtags [Regex] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Regex |
Transform Name | maltego.regex-lib.to_hashtags |
Short Description | Finds hashtag matches |
Input Entities | maltego.URL |
Output Entities | maltego.hashtag |
To Mentions [Regex]
Finds mention matches
maltego.regex-lib.to_mentions.pattern | Regex pattern (Python style) | string | @[a-zA-Z0-9]+ | True | True | False |
Display Name | To Mentions [Regex] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Regex |
Transform Name | maltego.regex-lib.to_mentions |
Short Description | Finds mention matches |
Input Entities | maltego.URL |
Output Entities | maltego.Alias |
To Hashes [Regex]
Finds hash matches
maltego.regex-lib.to_hashes.pattern | Regex pattern (Python style) | string | [A-Fa-f0-9]{64} | [a-fA-F0-9]{40} | [a-fA-F0-9]{32} | True |
Display Name | To Hashes [Regex] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Regex |
Transform Name | maltego.regex-lib.to_hashes |
Short Description | Finds hash matches |
Input Entities | maltego.URL |
Output Entities | maltego.Hash |
To UUID/GUID [Regex]
Finds UUID/GUID matches
maltego.regex-lib.to_uid.pattern | Regex pattern (Python style) | string | (?:[a-fA-F\d] {8})-?(?:[a-fA-F\d] {4})-?(?:[a-fA-F\d] {4})-?(?:[a-fA-F\d] {4})-?(?:[a-fA-F\d] {12}) | True | True | False |
Display Name | To UUID/GUID [Regex] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Regex |
Transform Name | maltego.regex-lib.to_uid |
Short Description | Finds UUID/GUID matches |
Input Entities | maltego.URL |
Output Entities | maltego.UniqueIdentifier |
Custom regex pattern 1 [Regex]
Define your regex in Transform Inputs
maltego.regex-lib.custom1.name | Regex name | string | None | True | True | False |
maltego.regex-lib.custom1.pattern | Regex pattern (Python style) | string | None | True | True | False |
Display Name | Custom regex pattern 1 [Regex] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Regex |
Transform Name | maltego.regex-lib.custom1 |
Short Description | Define your regex in Transform Inputs |
Input Entities | maltego.URL |
Output Entities | maltego.Phrase |
Custom regex pattern 2 [Regex]
Define your regex in Transform Inputs
maltego.regex-lib.custom2.name | Regex name | string | None | True | True | False |
maltego.regex-lib.custom2.pattern | Regex pattern (Python style) | string | None | True | True | False |
Display Name | Custom regex pattern 2 [Regex] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Regex |
Transform Name | maltego.regex-lib.custom2 |
Short Description | Define your regex in Transform Inputs |
Input Entities | maltego.URL |
Output Entities | maltego.Phrase |
Custom regex pattern 3 [Regex]
Define your regex in Transform Inputs
maltego.regex-lib.custom3.name | Regex name | string | None | True | True | False |
maltego.regex-lib.custom3.pattern | Regex pattern (Python style) | string | None | True | True | False |
Display Name | Custom regex pattern 3 [Regex] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Regex |
Transform Name | maltego.regex-lib.custom3 |
Short Description | Define your regex in Transform Inputs |
Input Entities | maltego.URL |
Output Entities | maltego.Phrase |