Zetalytics Transforms provide investigators access to Pivots and data
that include billions of records for historical domains, email
addresses, IPs, name servers. Some examples are as follows:
- Historical IP <-> hostname relationships
- Historical soa_email, ip and domain whois email relationships
- Malware hashes <-> Domains
- Subdomain lists per Domain
- Nameserver <-> Domains
- Nameserver <-> IP/CIDR
To read more click here.
[Z] Alias to Domains
related by Email
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] Alias to Domains related by Email |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaAliasToDomainsWithEmails |
Input Entities |
maltego.Alias |
Output Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Short Description |
[Z] Alias to SOA Rnames
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] Alias to SOA Rnames |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Output Entities |
zetalytics.SOARname |
Short Description |
zetaAliasToSoaRnames |
maltego.Alias |
zetaPhraseToSoaRnames |
maltego.Phrase |
[Z] SOA Email to domains
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] SOA Email to domains |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaSoaEmailToDomains |
Input Entities |
maltego.EmailAddress |
Output Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Short Description |
[Z] SOA Rname to domains
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] SOA Rname to domains |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaSoaRnameToDomains |
Input Entities |
zetalytics.SOARname |
Output Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Short Description |
[Z] Alias to
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] Alias to Domains/Subdomains |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaAliasToSubdomains |
Input Entities |
maltego.Alias |
Output Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Short Description |
[Z] DNSName to Mail Servers
DNSName to Mail Server Records
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] DNSName to Mail Servers |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaDNSNameToMX |
Input Entities |
maltego.DNSName |
Output Entities |
maltego.MXRecord |
Short Description |
DNSName to Mail Server Records |
[Z] Domain to Mail Servers
Domain to Mail Server Records
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] Domain to Mail Servers |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaDomainToMX |
Input Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Output Entities |
maltego.MXRecord |
Short Description |
Domain to Mail Server Records |
[Z] DNSName to Email
Email from domain whois record
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] DNSName to Email |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaDNSNameToD8sEmails |
Input Entities |
maltego.DNSName |
Output Entities |
maltego.EmailAddress |
Short Description |
Email from domain whois record |
[Z] Domain to Email
Email from domain whois record
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] Domain to Email |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaDomainToD8sEmails |
Input Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Output Entities |
maltego.EmailAddress |
Short Description |
Email from domain whois record |
[Z] DNSName to Subdomains
DNSName to Subdomains
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] DNSName to Subdomains |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaDNSNameToSubdomains |
Input Entities |
maltego.DNSName |
Output Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Short Description |
DNSName to Subdomains |
[Z] Domain to Subdomains
Domain to Subdomains
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] Domain to Subdomains |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaDomainToSubdomains |
Input Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Output Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Short Description |
Domain to Subdomains |
[Z] DNSName to SOA Email
DNSName to SOA email addresses
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] DNSName to SOA Email |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaDNSNameToSOAEmails |
Input Entities |
maltego.DNSName |
Output Entities |
maltego.EmailAddress |
Short Description |
DNSName to SOA email addresses |
[Z] Domain to SOA Rnames
Domain to SOA Rnames
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] Domain to SOA Rnames |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaDomainToSoaRnames |
Input Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Output Entities |
maltego.SOARname |
Short Description |
Domain to SOA Rnames |
[Z] Email to Domains
Domains related to an email address by whois or SOA email
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] Email to Domains |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaEmailToDomains |
Input Entities |
maltego.EmailAddress |
Output Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Short Description |
Domains related to an email address by whois or SOA email |
[Z] DNSName to IPV4 Address
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] DNSName to IPV4 Address History |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaDNSNameToIP4History |
Input Entities |
maltego.DNSName |
Output Entities |
maltego.IPv4Address |
Short Description |
[Z] Domain to IPV4 Address
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] Domain to IPV4 Address History |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaDomainToIP4History |
Input Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Output Entities |
maltego.IPv4Address |
Short Description |
[Z] DNSName to IPV6 Address
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] DNSName to IPV6 Address History |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaDNSNameToIP6History |
Input Entities |
maltego.DNSName |
Output Entities |
zetalytics.IPv6Address |
Short Description |
[Z] Domain to IPV6 Address
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] Domain to IPV6 Address History |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaDomainToIP6History |
Input Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Output Entities |
zetalytics.IPv6Address |
Short Description |
[Z] DNSName to IPV4/6
Address History
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] DNSName to IPV4/6 Address History |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaDNSNameToIPHistory |
Input Entities |
maltego.DNSName |
Output Entities |
maltego.IPv4Address, zetalytics.IPv6Address |
Short Description |
[Z] Domain to IPV4/6 Address
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] Domain to IPV4/6 Address History |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaDomainToIPHistory |
Input Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Output Entities |
maltego.IPv4Address, zetalytics.IPv6Address |
Short Description |
[Z] CIDR to Domains and
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] CIDR to Domains and Hostnames |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaCIDRToDomainsHostnames |
Input Entities |
maltego.CIDR |
Output Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Short Description |
[Z] Netblock to Domains and
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] Netblock to Domains and Hostnames |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaNetblockToDomainsHostnames |
Input Entities |
maltego.Netblock |
Output Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Short Description |
[Z] Netblock6 to Domains
and Hostnames
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] Netblock6 to Domains and Hostnames |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaNetblock6ToDomainsHostnames |
Input Entities |
zetalytics.Netblock6 |
Output Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Short Description |
[Z] IPV4 to Domains and
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] IPV4 to Domains and Hostnames |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaIPv4ToDomainsHostnames |
Input Entities |
maltego.IPv4Address |
Output Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Short Description |
[Z] IPV6 to Domains and
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] IPV6 to Domains and Hostnames |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaIPv6ToDomainsHostnames |
Input Entities |
zetalytics.IPv6Address |
Output Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Short Description |
[Z] IPV4 to Hashes
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] IPV4 to Hashes |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaIPv4ToHashes |
Input Entities |
maltego.IPv4Address |
Output Entities |
maltego.Hash |
Short Description |
[Z] Netblock to Hashes
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] Netblock to Hashes |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaNetblockToHashes |
Input Entities |
maltego.Netblock |
Output Entities |
maltego.Hash |
Short Description |
[Z] CIDR to Hashes
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] CIDR to Hashes |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaCIDRToHashes |
Input Entities |
maltego.CIDR |
Output Entities |
maltego.Hash |
Short Description |
[Z] IPV4 to PTR (Reverse DNS)
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] IPV4 to PTR (Reverse DNS) |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaIPv4ToPTR |
Input Entities |
maltego.IPv4Address |
Output Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Short Description |
[Z] Netblock to PTR (Reverse
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] Netblock to PTR (Reverse DNS) |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaNetblockToPTR |
Input Entities |
maltego.Netblock |
Output Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Short Description |
[Z] CIDR to PTR (Reverse DNS)
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] CIDR to PTR (Reverse DNS) |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
Input Entities |
maltego.CIDR |
Output Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Short Description |
[Z] Netblock to NS Hostnames
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] Netblock to NS Hostnames |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Output Entities |
maltego.NSRecord |
Short Description |
zetaNetblockToNSHosts |
maltego.Netblock |
zetaNetblock6ToNSHosts |
zetalytics.Netblock6 |
[Z] CIDR to NS Hostnames
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] CIDR to NS Hostnames |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaCIDRToNSHosts |
Input Entities |
maltego.CIDR |
Output Entities |
maltego.NSRecord |
Short Description |
[Z] IPV4 to NS Hostnames
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] IPV4 to NS Hostnames |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaIPv4ToNSHosts |
Input Entities |
maltego.IPv4Address |
Output Entities |
maltego.NSRecord |
Short Description |
[Z] IPV6 to NS Hostnames
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] IPV6 to NS Hostnames |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaIPv6ToNSHosts |
Input Entities |
zetalytics.IPv6Address |
Output Entities |
maltego.NSRecord |
Short Description |
[Z] Hash to Domains
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] Hash to Domains |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaHashToDomains |
Input Entities |
maltego.Hash |
Output Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Short Description |
[Z] Hash to IPs
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] Hash to IPs |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaHashToIPs |
Input Entities |
maltego.Hash |
Output Entities |
maltego.IPv4Address |
Short Description |
[Z] DNSName to Malware HTTP
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] DNSName to Malware HTTP URLs |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaDNSNameToUrls |
Input Entities |
maltego.DNSName |
Output Entities |
maltego.URL |
Short Description |
[Z] Domain to Malware HTTP
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] Domain to Malware HTTP URLs |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaDomainToUrls |
Input Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Output Entities |
maltego.URL |
Short Description |
[Z] Hash to URLs
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] Hash to URLs |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaHashToUrls |
Input Entities |
maltego.Hash |
Output Entities |
maltego.URL |
Short Description |
[Z] DNSName to Hash
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] DNSName to Hash |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaDNSNameToHashes |
Input Entities |
maltego.DNSName |
Output Entities |
maltego.Hash |
Short Description |
[Z] Domain to Hash
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] Domain to Hash |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaDomainToHashes |
Input Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Output Entities |
maltego.Hash |
Short Description |
[Z] MX DNSName To
Domains Sharing a Mail Sever
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] MX DNSName To Domains Sharing a Mail Sever |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaMXDNSNameToDomains |
Input Entities |
maltego.DNSName |
Output Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Short Description |
[Z] MX Domain To
Domains Sharing a Mail Sever
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] MX Domain To Domains Sharing a Mail Sever |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaMXDomainToDomains |
Input Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Output Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Short Description |
[Z] MX MXRecord
To Domains Sharing a Mail Sever
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] MX MXRecord To Domains Sharing a Mail Sever |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaMXToDomains |
Input Entities |
maltego.MXRecord |
Output Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Short Description |
[Z] Name
Server DNSName To Domains Sharing a Name Sever
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] Name Server DNSName To Domains Sharing a Name Sever |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaNSDNSNameToDomains |
Input Entities |
maltego.DNSName |
Output Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Short Description |
[Z] Name
Server Domain To Domains Sharing a Name Sever
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] Name Server Domain To Domains Sharing a Name Sever |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaNSDomainToDomains |
Input Entities |
maltego.NSRecord |
Output Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Short Description |
[Z] Name
Server NSRecord To Domains Sharing a Name Sever
API Key |
string |
false |
false |
false |
Display Name |
[Z] Name Server NSRecord To Domains Sharing a Name Sever |
Owner |
Zetalytics |
Author |
no-reply@zetalytics.com |
Data Source |
Z |
Transform Name |
zetaNSToDomains |
Input Entities |
maltego.NSRecord |
Output Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Short Description |