With Recorded Future Maltego Transforms, combine real-time Threat Intelligence from the entire web and other open or confidential data sources into Maltego investigations. The Transforms not only enable Security Analysts to discover and validate know IOC’s but also enrich and add context to the threat indicators under investigations.
To read more click here.
Recorded Future Machines
Retrieves and expands RF Docs involving an AS Number
Id |
recfut.rfASDocExpand |
Author |
Recorded Future |
Retrieves and expands RF Docs involving a Domain
Id |
recfut.rfDomainDocExpand |
Author |
Recorded Future |
Retrieves and expands RF Docs involving an Email Address
Id |
recfut.rfEmailDocExpand |
Author |
Recorded Future |
Retrieves and expands RF Docs involving a Vulnerability
Id |
recfut.rfFilenameDocExpand |
Author |
Recorded Future |
Retrieves and expands RF Docs involving a Hash
Id |
recfut.rfHashDocExpand |
Author |
Recorded Future |
Retrieves and expands RF Docs involving an IPv4 Address
Id |
recfut.rfIPDocExpand |
Author |
Recorded Future |
Retrieves and expands RF Docs involving a Malware Signature
Id |
recfut.rfMalSigDocExpand |
Author |
Recorded Future |
Retrieves and expands RF Docs involving a Malware
Id |
recfut.rfMalwareDocExpand |
Author |
Recorded Future |
Retrieves and expands RF Docs involving a Phrase
Id |
recfut.rfPhraseDocExpand |
Author |
Recorded Future |
Maps search keyword phrase to Alias in RF
Id |
recfut.PhraseMap2Alias |
Author |
Matt Kodama |
Maps search keyword phrase to Group in RF
Id |
recfut.PhraseMap2Group |
Author |
Matt Kodama |
Retrieves and expands RF Docs involving a Registry Key
Id |
recfut.rfRegKeyDocExpand |
Author |
Recorded Future |
Retrieves and expands RF Docs involving a URL
Id |
recfut.rfUrlDocExpand |
Author |
Recorded Future |
Retrieves and expands RF Docs involving a Vulnerability
Id |
recfut.rfVulnDocExpand |
Author |
Recorded Future |
[RF] Vulnerability to Vulnerability
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Vulnerability to Vulnerability |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfVULN2VULN2021 |
Input Entities |
recfut.Vulnerability |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Vulnerability to RFDoc
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Vulnerability to RFDoc |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfVULN2RF2021 |
Input Entities |
recfut.Vulnerability |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Vulnerability to Analyst Notes
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Vulnerability to Analyst Notes |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfVULN2Notes2021 |
Input Entities |
recfut.Vulnerability |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Vulnerability to Intel Summary
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Vulnerability to Intel Summary |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfVULN2Metrics2021 |
Input Entities |
recfut.Vulnerability |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Vulnerability to Malware
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Vulnerability to Malware |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
Input Entities |
recfut.Vulnerability |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Vulnerability to IP Address
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Vulnerability to IP Address |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfVULN2IP2021 |
Input Entities |
recfut.Vulnerability |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Vulnerability to Hash
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Vulnerability to Hash |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfVULN2HASH2021 |
Input Entities |
recfut.Vulnerability |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Vulnerability to Domain
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Vulnerability to Domain |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
Input Entities |
recfut.Vulnerability |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] URL to RFDoc
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] URL to RFDoc |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfURL2RF2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.URL |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] URL to Intel Summary
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] URL to Intel Summary |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfURL2Metrics2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.URL |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] RFDoc to Vulnerability
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] RFDoc to Vulnerability |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfRF2VULN2021 |
Input Entities |
recfut.Document |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] RFDoc to URL
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] RFDoc to URL |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfRF2URL2021 |
Input Entities |
recfut.Document |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] RFDoc to Source
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] RFDoc to Source |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfRF2Source2021 |
Input Entities |
recfut.Document |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] RFDoc to Registry Key
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] RFDoc to Registry Key |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfRF2REGKEY2021 |
Input Entities |
recfut.Document |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] RFDoc to Malware Category
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] RFDoc to Malware Category |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
Input Entities |
recfut.Document |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] RFDoc to Malware
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] RFDoc to Malware |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfRF2MALWARE2021 |
Input Entities |
recfut.Document |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] RFDoc to Malware Signature
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] RFDoc to Malware Signature |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfRF2MALSIG2021 |
Input Entities |
recfut.Document |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] RFDoc to IP Address
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] RFDoc to IP Address |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfRF2IP2021 |
Input Entities |
recfut.Document |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] RFDoc to Hash
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] RFDoc to Hash |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfRF2HASH2021 |
Input Entities |
recfut.Document |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] RFDoc to Filename
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] RFDoc to Filename |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
Input Entities |
recfut.Document |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] RFDoc to Domain
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] RFDoc to Domain |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfRF2DOMAIN2021 |
Input Entities |
recfut.Document |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] RFDoc to Attack Vector
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] RFDoc to Attack Vector |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
Input Entities |
recfut.Document |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Registry Key to RFDoc
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Registry Key to RFDoc |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfREGKEY2RF2021 |
Input Entities |
malformity.RegistryEntry |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Registry Key to Intel Summary
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Registry Key to Intel Summary |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfREGKEY2Metrics2021 |
Input Entities |
malformity.RegistryEntry |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Phrase to Source
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Phrase to Source |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
Input Entities |
maltego.Phrase |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Phrase to RFDoc
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Phrase to RFDoc |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfPHRASE2RF2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.Phrase |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Phrase to Organization
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Phrase to Organization |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
Input Entities |
maltego.Phrase |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Phrase to Operation
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Phrase to Operation |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
Input Entities |
maltego.Phrase |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Phrase to Intel Summary
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Phrase to Intel Summary |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
Input Entities |
maltego.Phrase |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Phrase to Company
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Phrase to Company |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
Input Entities |
maltego.Phrase |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Phrase to Alias
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Phrase to Alias |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
Input Entities |
maltego.Phrase |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Organization to RFDoc
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Organization to RFDoc |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfORG2RF2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.Organization |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Organization to Intel Summary
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Organization to Intel Summary |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
Input Entities |
maltego.Organization |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Operation to RFDoc
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Operation to RFDoc |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfOP2RF2021 |
Input Entities |
recfut.Operation |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Operation to Intel Summary
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Operation to Intel Summary |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfOP2METRICS2021 |
Input Entities |
recfut.Operation |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] NS Record to Vulnerability
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] NS Record to Vulnerability |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfNS2VULN2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.NSRecord |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] NS Record to RFDoc
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] NS Record to RFDoc |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfNS2RF2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.NSRecord |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] NS Record to Analyst Notes
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] NS Record to Analyst Notes |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfNS2Notes2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.NSRecord |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] NS Record to Intel Summary
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] NS Record to Intel Summary |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfNS2METRICS2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.NSRecord |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] NS Record to Malware
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] NS Record to Malware |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfNS2MALWARE2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.NSRecord |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] NS Record to IP Address
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] NS Record to IP Address |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfNS2IP2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.NSRecord |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] NS Record to Hash
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] NS Record to Hash |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfNS2HASH2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.NSRecord |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] NS Record to Domain
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] NS Record to Domain |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfNS2DOMAIN2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.NSRecord |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Analyst Note to Vulnerability
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Analyst Note to Vulnerability |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfNOTE2VULN2021 |
Input Entities |
recfut.AnalystNote |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Analyst Note to Attack Vector
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Analyst Note to Attack Vector |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
Input Entities |
recfut.AnalystNote |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Analyst Note to URL
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Analyst Note to URL |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfNOTE2URL2021 |
Input Entities |
recfut.AnalystNote |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Analyst Note to Registry Key
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Analyst Note to Registry Key |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
Input Entities |
recfut.AnalystNote |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Analyst Note to Malware Category
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Analyst Note to Malware Category |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
Input Entities |
recfut.AnalystNote |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Analyst Note to Malware
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Analyst Note to Malware |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
Input Entities |
recfut.AnalystNote |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Analyst Note to Malware Signature
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Analyst Note to Malware Signature |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
Input Entities |
recfut.AnalystNote |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Analyst Note to IP Address
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Analyst Note to IP Address |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfNOTE2IP2021 |
Input Entities |
recfut.AnalystNote |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Analyst Note to Hash
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Analyst Note to Hash |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfNOTE2HASH2021 |
Input Entities |
recfut.AnalystNote |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Analyst Note to Filename
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Analyst Note to Filename |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
Input Entities |
recfut.AnalystNote |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Analyst Note to Email Address
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Analyst Note to Email Address |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfNOTE2EMAIL2021 |
Input Entities |
recfut.AnalystNote |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Analyst Note to Domain
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Analyst Note to Domain |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
Input Entities |
recfut.AnalystNote |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] MX Record to Vulnerability
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] MX Record to Vulnerability |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfMX2VULN2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.MXRecord |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] MX Record to RFDoc
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] MX Record to RFDoc |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfMX2RF2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.MXRecord |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] MX Record to Analyst Notes
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] MX Record to Analyst Notes |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfMX2Notes2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.MXRecord |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] MX Record to Intel Summary
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] MX Record to Intel Summary |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfMX2METRICS2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.MXRecord |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] MX Record to Malware
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] MX Record to Malware |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfMX2MALWARE2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.MXRecord |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] MX Record to IP Address
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] MX Record to IP Address |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfMX2IP2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.MXRecord |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] MX Record to Hash
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] MX Record to Hash |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfMX2HASH2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.MXRecord |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] MX Record to Domain
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] MX Record to Domain |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfMX2DOMAIN2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.MXRecord |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Mutex to RFDoc
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Mutex to RFDoc |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfMUTEX2RFn2021 |
Input Entities |
malformity.Mutex |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Malware to Vulnerability
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Malware to Vulnerability |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
Input Entities |
recfut.Malware |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Malware to RFDoc
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Malware to RFDoc |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfMALWARE2RF2021 |
Input Entities |
recfut.Malware |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Malware to Analyst Notes
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Malware to Analyst Notes |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfMALWARE2Notes2021 |
Input Entities |
recfut.Malware |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Malware to Intel Summary
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Malware to Intel Summary |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfMALWARE2Metrics2021 |
Input Entities |
recfut.Malware |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Malware to Malware
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Malware to Malware |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
Input Entities |
recfut.Malware |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Malware to IP Address
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Malware to IP Address |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfMALWARE2IP2021 |
Input Entities |
recfut.Malware |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Malware to Hash
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Malware to Hash |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
Input Entities |
recfut.Malware |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Malware to Email Address
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Malware to Email Address |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
Input Entities |
recfut.Malware |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Malware to Domain
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Malware to Domain |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
Input Entities |
recfut.Malware |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Malware Signature to RFDoc
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Malware Signature to RFDoc |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfMALSIG2RF2021 |
Input Entities |
recfut.MalwareSignature |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Malware Signature to Intel Summary
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Malware Signature to Intel Summary |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfMALSIG2Metrics2021 |
Input Entities |
recfut.MalwareSignature |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Malware Category to RFDoc
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Malware Category to RFDoc |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfMalCat2RF2021 |
Input Entities |
recfut.MalwareCategory |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] IP to Vulnerability
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] IP to Vulnerability |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfIP2VULN2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.IPv4Address |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] IP to RFDoc
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] IP to RFDoc |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfIP2RF2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.IPv4Address |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] IP to Organization
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] IP to Organization |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfIP2ORGn2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.IPv4Address |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] IP to Analyst Notes
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] IP to Analyst Notes |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfIP2Notes2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.IPv4Address |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] IP to Malware
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] IP to Malware |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfIP2MALWARE2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.IPv4Address |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] IP to Location
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] IP to Location |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfIP2LOCn2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.IPv4Address |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] IP to IP Address
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] IP to IP Address |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfIP2IP2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.IPv4Address |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] IP to Intel Summary
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] IP to Intel Summary |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfIP2Intsum2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.IPv4Address |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] IP to Hash
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] IP to Hash |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfIP2HASH2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.IPv4Address |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] IP to Domain
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] IP to Domain |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfIP2DOM2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.IPv4Address |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] IP to ASN
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] IP to ASN |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfIP2ASNn2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.IPv4Address |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Hash to Vulnerability
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Hash to Vulnerability |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfHASH2VULN2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.Hash |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Hash to RFDoc
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Hash to RFDoc |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfHASH2RF2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.Hash |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Hash to Analyst Notes
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Hash to Analyst Notes |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfHASH2Notes2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.Hash |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Hash to Malware
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Hash to Malware |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
Input Entities |
maltego.Hash |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Hash to IP Address
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Hash to IP Address |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfHASH2IP2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.Hash |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Hash to Intel Summary
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Hash to Intel Summary |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfHASH2Intsum2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.Hash |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Hash to Hash
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Hash to Hash |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfHASH2HASH2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.Hash |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Hash to Domain
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Hash to Domain |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfHASH2DOM2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.Hash |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Filename to RFDoc
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Filename to RFDoc |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfFNAME2RF2021 |
Input Entities |
malformity.Filename |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Filename to Intel Summary
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Filename to Intel Summary |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfFNAME2Metrics2021 |
Input Entities |
malformity.Filename |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Email Address to RFDoc
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Email Address to RFDoc |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfEMAIL2RF2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.EmailAddress |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Email Address to Intel Summary
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Email Address to Intel Summary |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfEMAIL2Metrics2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.EmailAddress |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Domain to Vulnerability
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Domain to Vulnerability |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfDOM2VULN2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Domain to RFDoc
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Domain to RFDoc |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfDOM2RF2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Domain to Analyst Notes
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Domain to Analyst Notes |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfDOM2Notes2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Domain to Malware
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Domain to Malware |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
Input Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Domain to IP Address
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Domain to IP Address |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfDOM2IP2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Domain to Intel Summary
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Domain to Intel Summary |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfDOM2Intsum2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Domain to Hash
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Domain to Hash |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfDOM2HASH2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Domain to Domain
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Domain to Domain |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfDOM2DOM2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.Domain |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Company to RFDoc
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Company to RFDoc |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfCORP2RF2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.Company |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Company to Intel Summary
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Company to Intel Summary |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
Input Entities |
maltego.Company |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Attack Vector to RFDoc
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Attack Vector to RFDoc |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfAVect2RF2021 |
Input Entities |
recfut.AttackVector |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Attack Vector to Intel Summary
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Attack Vector to Intel Summary |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfAVect2METRICS2021 |
Input Entities |
recfut.AttackVector |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] ASN to RFDoc
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] ASN to RFDoc |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfASN2RF2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.AS |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] ASN to Intel Summary
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] ASN to Intel Summary |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfASN2Metrics2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.AS |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Alias to RFDoc
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Alias to RFDoc |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
rfALIAS2RF2021 |
Input Entities |
maltego.Alias |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |
[RF] Alias to Intel Summary
RecordedFuture Token |
string |
DefaultValue |
True |
True |
False |
Display Name |
[RF] Alias to Intel Summary |
Owner |
iTDS |
Author |
iTDS@Paterva.com |
Data Source |
RF |
Transform Name |
Input Entities |
maltego.Alias |
Output Entities |
Phrase |
Short Description |