The Movie Database (TMDb) is a community-built movie and TV database. Every piece of data has been added by TMDB community dating back to 2008. The Movie Database Transforms use the TMDB to search and pivot on movies, talent and directors’ names. Please start using these Transform from a phrase.
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The Movie Database Transforms
To Movie [TMDB]
Transform Settings
Display Name | Setting Type | Default Value | Optional | Popup | Authentication |
API Key | string | true | false | false |
Transform Meta Info
Information | Value |
Display Name | To Movie [TMDB] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies GmbH |
Author | Maltego Technologies GmbH |
Data Source | TMDB |
Output Entities | maltego.TMDBMovie |
Transform Name | Input Entities | Short Description |
maltego.tmdb.tmdbdirectortotmdbmovie | maltego.TMDBDirector | Find movies that the Director was involved in. |
maltego.tmdb.phrasetotmdbmovie | maltego.Phrase | Search the TMDB API for matching Movies |
maltego.tmdb.tmdbtalenttotmdbmovie | maltego.TMDBTalent | Find movies that the Talent was involved in. |
To Director [TMDB]
Find the Director that worked on this movie.
Transform Settings
Display Name | Setting Type | Default Value | Optional | Popup | Authentication |
API Key | string | true | false | false |
Transform Meta Info
Information | Value |
Display Name | To Director [TMDB] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies GmbH |
Author | Maltego Technologies GmbH |
Data Source | TMDB |
Transform Name | maltego.tmdb.tmdbmovietotmdbdirector |
Input Entities | maltego.TMDBMovie |
Output Entities | maltego.TMDBDirector |
Short Description | Find the Director that worked on this movie. |
To Talent [TMDB]
Transform Settings
Display Name | Setting Type | Default Value | Optional | Popup | Authentication |
API Key | string | true | false | false |
Transform Meta Info
Information | Value |
Display Name | To Talent [TMDB] |
Owner | Maltego Technologies GmbH |
Author | Maltego Technologies GmbH |
Data Source | TMDB |
Output Entities | maltego.TMDBTalent |
Transform Name | Input Entities | Short Description |
maltego.tmdb.tmdbmovietotmdbtalent | maltego.TMDBMovie | Find the Talent that worked on this movie. |
maltego.tmdb.phrasetotmdbtalent | maltego.Phrase | Search the TMDB API for matching Talents |