
Modified on Tue, 28 Jul, 2020 at 11:38 AM

Phone Number (Office)

Entity Meta

Display NamePhone Number (Office)
Entity Namemaltego.PhoneNumberOffice
Short DescriptionA phone number for a place of work
Entity CategoryPersonal
Base Entitymaltego.PhoneNumber

Phone Number (Residential)

Entity Meta


Display NamePhone Number (Residential)
Entity Namemaltego.PhoneNumberResidential
Short DescriptionA phone number for a place of residence
Entity CategoryPersonal
Base Entitymaltego.PhoneNumber

Phone Number (Mobile)

Entity Meta


Display NamePhone Number (Mobile)
Entity Namemaltego.PhoneNumberMobile
Short DescriptionA phone number of a mobile phone
Entity CategoryPersonal
Base Entitymaltego.PhoneNumber


Entity Meta

Display NameAlias
Entity Namemaltego.Alias
Short DescriptionAn alias for a person
Entity CategoryPersonal
Base Entitymaltego.Unknown

Entity Properties

Display NameUnique NameData TypeShort DescriptionSample Value
AliasaliasstringAn Alias for a personMr. T


Entity Meta

Display NameDocument
Entity Namemaltego.Document
Short DescriptionA document on the Internet
Entity CategoryPersonal
Base Entitymaltego.Unknown

Entity Properties

Property NameTypeDisplay name

Email Address

Entity Meta

Display NameEmail Address
Entity Namemaltego.EmailAddress
Short DescriptionAn email mailbox to which email messages may be delivered
Entity CategoryPersonal
Base Entitymaltego.Unknown

Entity Properties

Property NameTypeDisplay name
emailstringEmail Address


Entity Meta

Display NameFile
Entity Namemaltego.File
Short DescriptionA file stored internally in the graph
Entity CategoryPersonal
Base Entitymaltego.Unknown

Entity Properties

Property NameTypeDisplay name


Entity Meta 

Display NameImage
Entity Namemaltego.Image
Short DescriptionA visual representation of something
Entity CategoryPersonal
Base Entitymaltego.Unknown

Entity Properties

Property NameTypeDisplay name


Entity Meta

Display NamePerson
Entity Namemaltego.Person
Short DescriptionEntity representing a human
Entity CategoryPersonal
Base Entitymaltego.Unknown

Entity Properties

Property NameTypeDisplay name
person.fullname*stringFull Name
person.firstname+stringFirst Names

Phone Number

Entity Meta

Display NamePhone Number
Entity Namemaltego.PhoneNumber
Short DescriptionA telephone number
Entity CategoryPersonal
Base Entitymaltego.Unknown

Entity Properties 

Property NameTypeDisplay name
Phonenumber*stringPhone Number
phonenumber.countrycode+stringCountry Code
phonenumber.citycode+stringCity Code
phonenumber.areacode+stringArea Code
phonenumber.lastnumbers+stringLast Digits


Entity Meta

Display NamePhrase
Entity Namemaltego.Phrase
Short DescriptionAny text or part thereof
Entity CategoryPersonal
Base Entitymaltego.Unknown

Entity Properties

Property NameTypeDisplay name

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