Phone Number (Office)
Entity Meta
Display Name | Phone Number (Office) |
Entity Name | maltego.PhoneNumberOffice |
Short Description | A phone number for a place of work |
Entity Category | Personal |
Base Entity | maltego.PhoneNumber |
Phone Number (Residential)
Entity Meta
Display Name | Phone Number (Residential) |
Entity Name | maltego.PhoneNumberResidential |
Short Description | A phone number for a place of residence |
Entity Category | Personal |
Base Entity | maltego.PhoneNumber |
Phone Number (Mobile)
Entity Meta
Display Name | Phone Number (Mobile) |
Entity Name | maltego.PhoneNumberMobile |
Short Description | A phone number of a mobile phone |
Entity Category | Personal |
Base Entity | maltego.PhoneNumber |
Entity Meta
Display Name | Alias |
Entity Name | maltego.Alias |
Short Description | An alias for a person |
Entity Category | Personal |
Base Entity | maltego.Unknown |
Entity Properties
Display Name | Unique Name | Data Type | Short Description | Sample Value |
Alias | alias | string | An Alias for a person | Mr. T |
Entity Meta
Display Name | Document |
Entity Name | maltego.Document |
Short Description | A document on the Internet |
Entity Category | Personal |
Base Entity | maltego.Unknown |
Entity Properties
Property Name | Type | Display name |
url | string | URL |
Title | String | Title |
document.meta-data | String | Meta-Data |
Email Address
Entity Meta
Display Name | Email Address |
Entity Name | maltego.EmailAddress |
Short Description | An email mailbox to which email messages may be delivered |
Entity Category | Personal |
Base Entity | maltego.Unknown |
Entity Properties
Property Name | Type | Display name |
string | Email Address |
Entity Meta
Display Name | File |
Entity Name | maltego.File |
Short Description | A file stored internally in the graph |
Entity Category | Personal |
Base Entity | maltego.Unknown |
Entity Properties
Property Name | Type | Display name |
source | url | Source |
description | string | File |
Entity Meta
Display Name | Image |
Entity Name | maltego.Image |
Short Description | A visual representation of something |
Entity Category | Personal |
Base Entity | maltego.Unknown |
Entity Properties
Property Name | Type | Display name |
description | string | Description |
url | URL | URL |
Entity Meta
Display Name | Person |
Entity Name | maltego.Person |
Short Description | Entity representing a human |
Entity Category | Personal |
Base Entity | maltego.Unknown |
Entity Properties
Property Name | Type | Display name |
person.fullname* | string | Full Name |
person.firstname+ | string | First Names |
person.lastname+ | string | Surname |
Phone Number
Entity Meta
Display Name | Phone Number |
Entity Name | maltego.PhoneNumber |
Short Description | A telephone number |
Entity Category | Personal |
Base Entity | maltego.Unknown |
Entity Properties
Property Name | Type | Display name |
Phonenumber* | string | Phone Number |
phonenumber.countrycode+ | string | Country Code |
phonenumber.citycode+ | string | City Code |
phonenumber.areacode+ | string | Area Code |
phonenumber.lastnumbers+ | string | Last Digits |
Entity Meta
Display Name | Phrase |
Entity Name | maltego.Phrase |
Short Description | Any text or part thereof |
Entity Category | Personal |
Base Entity | maltego.Unknown |
Entity Properties
Property Name | Type | Display name |
text | string | Text |